Know About Interim Bail ! What is it and its advantage

Interim bail refers to the temporary release of a person from custody while their regular bail application is pending before the court. It is a legal provision that allows a person to seek temporary relief from detention in certain circumstances.

Interim bail is granted for a short period, usually for a few days or weeks, until the regular bail application is heard and disposed of by the court. The purpose of interim bail is to provide immediate relief to the accused and prevent unnecessary detention until the regular bail application is heard.

Interim bail is provided for under Section 439 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC), which empowers the High Court and the Session Court to grant bail to a person pending the disposal of their regular bail application.

The procedure for obtaining interim bail involves the following steps:

  • Filing of a regular bail application: The accused must file a regular bail application before the competent court.
  • Request for interim bail: The accused may make a request for interim bail while the regular bail application is pending. The request may be made orally or in writing, depending on the court’s practice.
  • Notice to the prosecution: The court will issue a notice to the public prosecutor or the investigating officer, giving them an opportunity to present their arguments.
  • Hearing of the application: The court will hear the arguments of both parties and examine the material on record before deciding on the application. If the court is satisfied that the accused has made out a case for interim bail, it may grant the same.
  • Conditions for bail: The court may impose certain conditions while granting interim bail, such as surrendering the passport, not leaving the jurisdiction without permission, and cooperating with the investigation.
  • Validity of bail: Interim bail is valid until the regular bail application is disposed of by the court. Once the regular bail application is disposed of, the person may apply for regular bail if the interim bail is not converted into regular bail.

Interim bail is subject to the same limitations as regular bail, including the following:

  • Non-bailable offences: Interim bail is available only in cases where the offence is non-bailable. If the offence is bailable, the person can apply for regular bail after arrest.
  • Serious offenses: Interim bail is generally not granted in cases involving serious offenses such as murder, rape, or terrorism. In such cases, the court may require the person to first surrender before considering the bail application.
  • Cognizable offences: Interim bail is not available in cases involving cognizable offences, which are those offences where the police can arrest without a warrant.
  • Specific allegations: The accused must provide specific allegations and grounds for seeking interim bail. Vague or general apprehensions are not sufficient for the grant of interim bail.

Advantages of Interim Bail:

  • Immediate relief: Interim bail provides immediate relief to the accused and prevents unnecessary detention while the regular bail application is pending. This helps to reduce the physical and mental trauma of being in custody.
  • Preparation of defence: Interim bail allows the accused to prepare their defence and gather evidence while they are out on bail. This can be especially important in complex cases where there is a large amount of evidence to be reviewed.
  • Protection of livelihood: Interim bail allows the accused to return to their normal life and protect their livelihood while the regular bail application is pending. This can be especially important for individuals who depend on their employment to support themselves and their families.
  • Avoidance of overcrowding: Interim bail helps to reduce the overcrowding of prisons and allows the authorities to focus on those who pose a greater risk to society. This can help to improve the conditions of prisons and reduce the burden on the criminal justice system.

LASTLY, interim bail is a temporary release of an accused person from custody while their regular bail application is pending before the court. It is a legal provision that provides immediate relief to the accused and helps to prevent unnecessary detention. Interim bail allows the accused to prepare their defence, protect their livelihood, and avoid overcrowding of prisons. However, it is subject to the same limitations as regular bail and is not available in cases involving serious offences or cognizable offences.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

  1. How does interim bail help in reducing jail overcrowding in India

Interim bail is granted under specific conditions, such as medical emergencies or to            prevent overcrowding in jails. The conditions are subject to the discretion of the court.

2. What are the legal rights of a person who has been granted interim bail?

    The legal rights of a person who has been granted interim bail include the right to              travel,work and move around freely, provided they comply with the conditions set by          the court.

3. Can a person be granted interim bail multiple times for the same offense?

    Interim bail can be granted multiple times for the same offense, subject to the                   discretion of the court and the circumstances of the case.

4. How long does it take to get interim bail in India and what is the procedure?

    The duration of interim bail and the procedure for getting it in India can vary depending      on the nature of the offense, the discretion of the court, and the facts and                          circumstances of the case.

5. What happens if a person violates the conditions of interim bail?

    Violation of the conditions of interim bail can result in cancellation or revocation of the        bail, and the accused may be re-arrested and sent to jail.

6. Can a person be denied interim bail if they have a previous criminal record?

    A person with a previous criminal record may be denied interim bail if the court deems        them a flight risk or a danger to society.

7. What is the success rate of interim bail applications in India?

   The success rate of interim bail applications in India varies depending on the merits of         the case and the quality of legal representation.

8. Can the family members of an accused person apply for interim bail on their          behalf?

    Family members of an accused person may apply for interim bail on their behalf,                subject to the discretion of the court and the circumstances of the case.

9. How is the duration of interim bail determined by the court?

   The duration of interim bail is determined by the discretion of the court and may vary         depending on the facts and circumstances of the case.

10. How can an accused person prepare for an interim bail hearing to increase              their chances of success?

     To prepare for an interim bail hearing, the accused should gather evidence, hire a               competent lawyer, and present a strong case before the court.

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